In Memory of

   Dusty, my best friend born what I believe is July 4th, 1986 and died in my arms October 11, 2001

   Dusty was my life. Everything I did was because of him. I quit my job, to take one closer to home. Dusty had his own doggy door, but he preferred to still want to come in thru the patio door. He only drank refrigerated purified water, except when swimming at the lake. He was so smart and loving, around humans, dogs, cats, kids, infants too.

   He was a weekly visitor to a retirement home, they would all gather around the dayroom waiting for Pet-time with Dusty Saturday afternoons. He had the run of the place, except for the restaurant. He was so gentle with everyone there. They just loved him there.

   He was my everything, and I was his. We lived in several different homes during his first five years. The last 10 years in only one. He and I even lived in a hotel for six months while rebuilding our house after a major fire. He would sit and watch TV during the day while I was at work. At night or on weekends, I would sit on my recliner and right next to me, Dusty had his own soft and comfortable chair. He and I would sit side by side.

   I had a TV in the bedroom. In bed, I would have my left hand on a remote control, and my right hand petting him. To me that was heaven. I know he enjoyed it a lot too. While at work, I had a webcam on him during the day, and would catch a peak at him from my work computer, via the internet through the website  At night he always slept on the bed with me. I can't sleep without him.

   He had 3 bouts of cancer and no expense or treatment was spared on him. He always took his treatment and examinations with a smile and a kiss.

   In the winter in Minnesota, we would go for a walk in the snow. Dusty would usually wear his snow boots. What was great about it is that I would see a car go by and the driver would be frowning, but as soon as they saw Dusty prancing in his boots, the drivers face would light up and they would smile. I bet that made their day.

   I did not know that the end was coming. But it so happened that the last week together was a very busy and fun one. He went to my office one day, and several people who only heard of him, came over and said hi.

   Dusty was getting a little finicky with eating his normal food so one night for dinner he had a couple hamburgers from Wendy's, and another night he had a couple roast beef sandwiches from Arby's. We went for a couple long walks. And then one morning he suffered a stroke, or kidney failure. I was hugging and kissing him at the end as he died in my arms.

   This is the hardest thing that I have ever gone through. My house is now so empty. I don't hear his toenails on the kitchen floor. I don't see and feel him dropping a toy at my feet. I don't hear him eating his dinner. I miss him more than anything else in the world. If I could, I would gladly give my life up for him. I would trade my soul to have him back for a little more time.

Thank you for reading Dusty's Story.
Sincerely, Steve Cook


More Pictures of Dusty (some wearing his snow boots)
Early Pictures of Dusty (including as a tiny puppy)

Pictures of Dusty and the 2 firemen (that saved his life in a fire)

Dusty's Original Page

I finally have another golden retriever and you can see her own webcam on the internet by...
a.  going to
b.  logging in
c.  in the search box near the top, type     puppy
d.  click on one of the     PuppyCam's      (both are Tessa)  Tessa's picture