Main Page
2) Real Life Scenario
3) What is a Judgment?
4) Are there many unsatisfied judgments?
5) How did I start collecting judgments?
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Complete System
Table of Contents

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Reduce the judgment you owe by 50%
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Get your own
Have people come to you to collect their judgments....
This is a complete Judgment training
system to teach you to collect judgments for others - for money.
Main Judgement Course is well written
judgement collection training manual (choice of paperback or 3-ring
notebook) and also a CD Rom that contains all the forms,
documentation, software and notes.
Free Upgrades: of main
.pdf document for life....
FREE with every
purchase: "Secrets of Credit Scores",
Ex-Credit Score company employee tells all he knows... (more
Substantial Money From Home
You don't need a
college degree.
You don't have to work
like a slave for 12 or 15 hours a day.
You don't even have to
get dressed!
All you really need is
a little common sense and some motivation to succeed.
Complete judgment recovery training course
Prices Table Of Contents
Main Judgment Training Course is
282 pages well written judgment training manual and you can order either or
both the printed version and electronic version.
Testimonials Refund Policy
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Privacy Policy
FREE with every purchase:
"Secrets of Credit Scores".
Ex-Credit Score company employee tells all he knows... (more
FAQ Table
of Contents
Judgment Recovery ~
a lot of Money From Home. Maybe you can even quit your full
time job. Out of work? You can collect judgments while
you are looking for work.
As seen on and
do not need any kind of permit or collection/collectors license
in any of our 50 states.
Brought to you by (parent website)
A Complete Judgment
Collection Training Course.
Learn how to collect judgments for money.
Collect on your judgment Judgment recovery training.
Judgment recovery course judgment recovery system.
Make money with your
judgment recovery training.
Home based business collecting other peoples
Real Life Scenario
Look at
this scenario, and put yourself in the position of the
Judgment Recovery Specialist (JRS):
rents an apartment to a tenant. The tenant damages the
The tenant moves out before the lease is over and also without
repairing the damage. The damage and broken lease
exceeds the damage deposit.
The landlord
takes the tenant to small claims court and wins.
The tenant does not pay and the courts do not ever make the
tenant pay. The landlord does not know how to make the
tenant pay.
This is
where you come in. You know how to locate
where the tenant works and garnish his wages, locate where he
banks and seize the money, put a lien on his home, and take
his car to be auctioned. If the tenant owns a business,
you know how to have the sheriff sit there and collect money
from the customers at the cash register, make his clients pay
you directly instead of him…and much, much more.
The landlord
can assign you his/her judgment. You then go and collect
the money (sometimes including interest too). You
keep the percentage agreed with the landlord.
$5,000 judgment plus interest from Jan 2005 drives up the
money owed a year later to $5,154.93
for yourself using our calculator).
If you are splitting it 50/50, then you keep $2,577.46 which
is great for just a full couple days of work. If
the tenant can not pay all of the $5,154.93 at one time they
can pay in installments. THIS IS GREAT for recurring
income without having to do anything else except deposit those
monthly checks for your 50%.
Main Judgement Course is 181
pages very well written judgment training manual and you can order either or
both the printed version and electronic version.
Prices What
do I get? Buy
it now
All three formats include EVERYTHING: ALL forms,
documents, software and notes
1) Flash Drive
2) CD:
3) Download:
save shipping costs and lower price, less work for me to send it as a
I'm sure this Step-By-Step Course will get you quickly on the
way to becoming a Professional Judgment Recovery Specialist
and making some great money.
Please let me know! You know how to reach
Judgment is a court ordered document showing that one person/company
owes another person/company money. (Think of small claims
court where a landlord sues an ex-tenant for damages to the rental
property OR where an ex-tenant sues the landlord to get their damage
deposit back).
The court does not collect money
and they do not even offer any advice how to collect money.
Actually it seems to me that they don't even care if you collect the
money or not. It is left up to the winner (the person that is
owed the money) to collect it. Most of the time the
don't and this is where you come in.
you frustrated with so called home based business opportunities that don't
deliver what they promised? So was I!
I would like to introduce you to what many feel is the best
business opportunity of it's kind today! Stay awhile and have a look
around, you'll find an abundance of information about the judgment
recovery business compiled for you at this site.
course, if there are any
that haven't been answered after you've perused for a little bit,
please don't hesitate to contact us. There is an email link and
contact information available for you at the contact us page - you
can even speak to a real live person!
provide you with complete and current information on all aspects of
judgment recovery. Additionally you'll receive all of the necessary
letters, contracts and multitude of forms designed to help you keep
organized, including interest tracking and payment ledgers.
even gone a step further and included valuable software: All of the
letters, contracts and forms on a CD for your convenience; and
hundreds of our best internet resources in an interactive program
which works with your computer's web browser.
collection course
Read on
Prices What
do I get? Buy
it now
In the course you are lead
through the judgment recovery process. You can quickly earn large amounts plus a recurring monthly income.
the system now.
Quick Cash: You collect a judgment, keep 50%.
Monthly income:
You garnish wages, keep 50% of each payment each time the
person gets paid.
You never even have to confront the debtor. Your
investigations can be conducted in covert fashion.
The debtor
doesn't even have to know you are on his trail.
the debtor (the loser of the case and the one owing money) has a prestigious
job or has been at their job a long time you might want to send a
copy of the wage garnishment paperwork to them before you actually
get the court to do it. Sometimes I have been paid with
my just promising to garnish wages from someone who has a job they
have been at a long time and they pay up to save them embarrassment
or even getting fired.
can be even more than 50% as this percentage is up to you to
negotiate for.
There is so very little
competition but with this latest 3+ year recession there are so many
more judgments out there waiting for you. Earn $5,000 to
$15,000 or more a month is possible.
The System Now!
How I personally started
collecting judgments: As a landlord in 1989,
I had to sue an ex-tenant in small claims (conciliation
court). I won, but they didn't pay. So I started
researching on ways to get them to pay. I kept good
notes. Then when I had to go to small claims court a 2nd time
for another landlord/tenant problem (which I won that time also) and
I expanded on my original notes.
when I talked to another landlord and I told him about my two
successful times I won and also collected from ex-tenants he asked
me to collect his small claims court award. And that
when I started researching how to collect some else's judgments
without having to get a collection license or permit.
in 1997 I started working for a credit bureau score company as a
full time employee and I worked there nearly 6.5 years.
I learned a lot of ways to find someone and also find their
assets. I added this information to my other
documentation I have been writing since I first had to sue an
the years from 1989 to 2001 I developed a judgment collection system
for myself. Then in 2001 I said why not let others get this
information. So I reformatted all my actual notes,
documentation, and forms into this judgment recovery
course. My years of experience are now in one nice
judgment recovery home study class / course / system.
I would like to introduce you to what many feel is the best
business opportunity of it's kind today! Stay awhile and have a look
around, you'll find an abundance of information about the judgment
recovery business compiled for you at this site.
course, if there are any
that haven't been answered after you've perused for a little bit,
please don't hesitate to contact us. There is an email link and
contact information available for you at the contact us page - you
can even speak to a real live person!
provide you with complete and current information on all aspects of
judgment recovery. Additionally you'll receive all of the necessary
letters, contracts and multitude of forms designed to help you keep
organized, including interest tracking and payment ledgers.
even gone a step further and included valuable software: All of the
letters, contracts and forms on a CD for your convenience; and
hundreds of our best internet resources in an interactive program
which works with your computer's web browser.
collection course
Read on
is the opportunity you've been waiting for!
is your first step towards financial freedom.
Complete Judgment Collection Training Course.
career in the lucrative field of Judicial Judgment Recovery!
(A Huge Untapped
Market Awaits You)
Every year, an estimated two hundred billion dollars in
Judicial Judgments goes unpaid. In fact, out of all
judgments awarded, 79% are never recovered. You will
have a captive market. The best part is that you don't have
to sell anyone anything. Mail letters to the original
judgment holders explaining your service and clients will
come to you. You can become legally entitled to these monies
by filing paperwork and you will have the legal system
working for you. I'll show exactly how to do this.
What is a judgment?

How many judgments
are there in my state?
The potential for income in this market has led to an
unprecedented opportunity for persons willing to learn and
work this business. Once you have established yourself and
begin operation, this business can be ongoing and
provide regular income.
collection training course
An enormous market is currently available.
Sales experience is not required.
The law is on your side and works for you.
You can specialize in this huge untapped marketplace.
There is a "Never Ending" supply of Judgments.
- Some of
the items of value that can be easily attached
(legally seized) to satisfy a judgment include:
Bank Accounts
Real Estate
Garnish Wages - Both Personal and Business
Real Estate
Security Deposits
Business Income
Payments Received From 3rd Parties
Tax Refunds
And Many More
Judgment Debtor ("loser") will get a big surprise
when they receive a notice in the mail that their
property has been attached. The attachment resulting
from a judgment they had totally forgotten about,
years ago. judgement
collection training course
With our
non-confrontational approach you never have to meet
the Judgment Debtor face to face.
Click here to buy the system now |
the system you are lead step-by-step through the judgment recovery
process. You can quickly earn large cash amounts quickly plus a
recurring monthly income.
can earn Quick Cash by Collecting a judgment in full or Residual
income when you Garnish their wages.
there is so very little competition collecting judgments.
$5,000 or more a month is possible.
the system now
Judgment is a court ordered document showing that one person/company
owes another person/company money.
The court does not collect money and they do not even offer any
advice how to collect money. Actually it seems they don't care
if you collect the money either. It is left up to the
winner (the person that is
owed the money) to collect it. Most of the time the winners don't and this is where you come in.
In the course you are lead step-by-step
through the judgment recovery process. You can quickly earn large cash amounts plus a recurring monthly income.
the system now.
Quick Cash: You collect a judgment, keep 50%.
Monthly income:
You garnish wages, keep 50% of each payment each time the
person gets paid.
You never even have to confront the debtor. Your
investigations can be conducted in covert fashion. The debtor
doesn't even have to know you are on his trail.
can be even more than 50% as this percentage is up to you to
negotiate for.
There is so very little
competition but with this latest 3+ year recession there are so many
more judgments out there waiting for you. Earn $5,000 to
$15,000 or more a month is possible.
The Judgment Collection System Now!
many unsatisfied judgments are there?
There are
so few legitimate businesses you can start from so little investment
and also work from home if you choose to. Each and every
day landlords, business owners, banks, private citizens win a
monetary award in court. Usually it is from small
claims court (also known as conciliation court), but sometimes it is
district court, sometimes money award is a result of a car accident
injury, or even a business owner not getting paid for products or
services they provided such as a retail store, or even services such
as a plumber or handyman.
from 20-90% of these judgments go unpaid. And the
"winner" of the court case is really the
"loser" because they haven't collected the awarded money
yet AND and they are usually the one that suffered damages from the
other party.
You can
help the winner get their money back. It usually is not just
the money that was awarded in court, but also they might be able to
get their court costs back and that original awarded amount can
include interest. The interest can really add up to the
original judgment amount.
Most of
the work is done from the computer via the internet and by sending
letters by the post office. It doesn't cost you anything
to get the judgments from your local court house. Once
you get the information on the judgment then you send a letter
to the winner telling them about your judgment recovery
business. We have designed these letters.
We show
you where to find judgments.
We show you actual letters to use to send to the winner.
We show you letters to use to record the judgment in your name at
the county.
We show you ways to find the loser.
We show you ways to collect from the loser.
We show you how to record at the county that the loser paid the
amount in full.
There are
millions of dollars in most county courthouses of judgments
uncollected. Just think of how many counties there are in the
country. Hundreds of counties and millions of dollars
per county, could mean Billions of dollars awaiting to be paid to
the winner. But most winners don't have a clue how to collect
the money, let alone how to find the person after they move away
(such as out of a landlords rental property). We have
tools you can use to find these people.
Some of
the information we can help you get about someone are:
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Current and Past addresses
UCC Filings
Corporate Affiliations
Driver's License
Possible Real Estate Owned
Motor Vehicle (VIN number, Plate, make,
model, style)
FAA (pilot information)
Possible criminal convictions
Accidents (only works in a couple counties
in a couple states)
Possible Licenses
Voter Registration
Hunting / Fishing permits
Concealed Weapons Permit
Possible roommates and associates
Possible Relatives
(we do not get all of these these pieces of
information, but do get the most available)
loser of the case has moved and can't be found by the winner
the loser moved to another county or even a state, we can show
you how to import that judgment from the original state to the
new state (sister state judgment forms for example).
loser puts all owner property in someone else's name to avoid
collection efforts
If you
collect the judgment you can collect any percentage agreed upon with
the winner. The most common split we have seen is 50/50.
Sometimes it is even more for you for older judgments.
If the
winner doesn't want to pay you the 50% (or even 60%), tell them
something is better than nothing.
You do
NOT need a collection license. You are not collecting money
for someone else which is what collection agencies do.
What happens is that you get the judgment "assigned" to
you by the winner at NO cost (no money paid to the winner).
We prefer
assigning the judgment. There isn't a cost except occasional
small court costs to record the temporary assignment of the judgment
to you. Once that is done then it is yours to collect
upon. THUS YOU do NOT need a collection permit or a
collection license.
I can
show you step by step how to do all of this and more. There is
even a short two page summary in the beginning of the course that
gives you the big picture of what it is all about. The summary
is very helpful so you don't get overwhelm with details at
once. We lead you into it slowly, BUT there is a table of
contents that allows you to skip ahead if you want.
We have done so well, that we started limiting our judgment
collection efforts to the state of Minnesota (mostly the Minneapolis
area). We were getting too many requests and we got so
swamped, that we were turning away business.
We could
give you these extra leads that we aren't using to help you get
started (this would be something we could discuss after you get the
Comprised of over
282 pages (paperback book),
all the information you need to get your new business off the ground and
become successful! To find out what makes the training
program is different from all the rest of the programs on the market, read
the system now
program was compiled by real judgment recovery specialists, who
actively participate in the business of judgment recovery on a day to day
the system now
top Unsatisfied
This does not count the last 4 years. The
recession has caused this to increase by hundreds of millions of dollars.
is the most current information available.
Compiled from U.S. Census information.
of State |
Cases |
Amount |
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Wyoming |
311,022 |
$365,611,783 |
Total |
16,338,402 |
$18,868,484,884 |
Money as Judgment Processor
Asked Questions
of Contents
Sometimes its even hard to find plaintiffs, and
maybe we can help you.
We subscribe
to some of the best people locator pieces of software and tools.
So if you just don’t know where to even start, or which site to use, you can
start with us. We even have
tools that use someone’s name and old address to find where
they are living now.
Just let us
know how we can help you.
Call us: Office 1-651-321-1801
is lower priced than most others, we only sell these systems to help
others, we are not doing it as a money maker. My main job was both a mortgage
loan officer and
Judgment Collector.
I am ready to purchase. How much is it? What
will I get?
Do I need a collectors license?
No. You do not need any kind of permit or collection/collectors
license in any of our 50 states. This is Because you are
not going to be collecting money for someone else, you will be
collecting money for yourself, as you either will purchase the
judgment or you will have it temporarily given to you (which I
In the system course I will give you actual
forms that I have used to assign the judgment to myself that you can
copy and modify for your own use. I will provide
you with an actual copy that I used and also a blank form you can
use and to modify for your own use.
Collection agencies are collecting money owed to another person so
they need a license, but you are collecting money for yourself and
not someone else (once its assigned to you using the forms in the
system). Similar reason is why you don't need a license to sell
your own home but if you try to sell someone else's home (real
estate agent) you need a license.
also don't have foot traffic, all your business should be done by
the mail, telephone, email and fax. All payments should be
mailed. (In the course I go over how to hid your home phone
and address).
You do not need to create a company or corporation, but you can if
you choose to.
What subjects
are covered in the book?
Can you create a website like this
one for me?
What are my chances of being successful in a business of my own?
Interest Calculator
Are there refunds?
No. Sorry no refunds, because copies can be made before you return
the system. We have spent a lot of time and feel very confident in
this system, and that you will be happy with it.
On this website you get a copy of the table of contents and a large
and informative FAQ (frequently asked question) section webpage to
help you decide on whether or not you want to purchase this system.
Before you purchase check out the
Table of Contents
How many unsatisfied judgments are in your state?
Do I always have to pay to get the judgment assigned to
[ I never pay for a judgment.
I always do it on a contingency bases, just like car accident
lawyers. I and the car accident lawyers only get paid if we
collect ]
[ low. Many times to collect
a judgment there isn't a cost at all but stamps and envelopes.
If you have decent information on where someone works and verify
it by a phone call then sometimes you can collect without paying
anything. I have a judgment form New Jersey where the looser
now lived in California and worked at a college. I filled out a
wage garnishment letter with real information from their
employer and mailed it and a letter to the looser in California
stating that I have not sent this attached garnishment letter to
their employer yet and would like to work out a payment plan
with them. Since this person did not want their HR and payroll
department to know about the judgment, they started paying ]
With the economy so bad
right now is it hard to collect judgments?
[ there are more judgments out
there now and more people that can't pay, so it evens out as it
was 2-3 years ago. Now you can be picky with the ones you
collect from, and if someone is unemployed, you can always come
back to it in 6-8 months and try again, as some people get a new
job within that time. You can tell them that many times
prospective employers run credit checks and this judgment shows
on the top of it. This might prevent them from getting that job
with all the competitive out there and paying off in monthly
installments can help them get a new or better job ]
I have
heard that
most businesses fail in the first year or two?
Not all
businesses make it. Many businesses fail in the first 2 years
and some types of businesses fail more than 50%.
That is why this is a perfect business. You are not investing in
equipment, leasing a store. You can start this part time without
really any risk at all.
Some people are not self disciplined enough to work from home, but even the
most busy people probably can get one judgment going and only work on that
one until it's collected. That will also allow you to learn how
things work. BUT you can try 10-15 at the beginning if you have
the time and drive.
How do I find these judgments?
I show you many ways to find them.
Most ways are free and all the ways I personally use are free. There
are services that charge a fee and most of them are great. It's up to
you. But I show you many free ways to get them. (PS:
I have started limiting my own to just Minneapolis, MN area and can give you
my leads for other areas and we can talk about this after you purchase the
training system).
Can the winner of a small claims court collect their own money?
Yes, they can. But most
people are too busy to figure out how and that is where you come in.
The numbers prove that most winners do not collect their own money if the
losers don't pay on their own right away.
Can the winner hire a collection agency or even a lawyer?
Yes and no. They
usually can't hire a collection agency because collection agencies do not go
after court awarded money, they usually go after bounced checks etc.
They can hire a lawyer. But lawyers are expensive. These lawyers
even charge a 15 minute charge just to answer a simple email which can mean
that at $200 an hour, to read an email they can charge $50.
Of all the judgments I start working on, how many times will I get
paid by the loser?
This can be as little as 1% or as much as 100%. The small
amounts usually get paid first. Then if a person has been
employed at their job a long time, they are most likely to pay. If the
person has a prestigious job they might pay to save embracement.
Is this for real? It sounds
too easy.
Yes it is for
real. It is not easy, but not real hard either. You do not
have to try to collect 10 judgments at first as this could get confusing.
Try one at first. Then another. They maybe two at a time.
Ask any court clerk where judgments are filed/recorded, how many court
awarded judgments come in each day? The numbers are large.
Can I contact you by telephone or email?
click here.
Can I get hurt pissing off the wrong person?
If you follow my steps, the loser of the
case won't even know what you are doing even after the wage garnishments
start. You can be as secretive as you want and I can give you
some ideas. One is a Mail-Boxes Etc (aka The UPS Store).
They have real street addresses and you use this for ALL things related to
judgments including the address you give the court and the winner too.
Do I need to know as much as an attorney would to collect judgments?
No. Our system
gives you most of what you need to know and you can add your own notes as
you go, such as phone numbers of court houses, mailing address, landlord
contacts etc.... And there isn't a license or permit needed.
Are there going to be 10-20 other people in my area trying to
collect the same judgments?
No. There are new judgments
each and every day. There are so many older ones that no one is
working on at all. Go back and get a judgment that was awarded 2 years
ago (we show you how to find these). Most likely no one has or will
contact them about collecting their judgment.
Click here
to see how many unsatisfied judgments are in your state as of the year 2000.
BUT the amount has drastically gone up over the last three years, as we are
in a very long and deep recession and that has caused the number of judgment
to increase.
Do I have to work full time or part time?
Either. You can start with
one. Learn by doing the one. Then do another. Then do two
at one time. Increase the number as your time permits. Maybe you
can quit your job in the future if you get enough money rolling in.
If you are out of work, KEEP looking for a full time job, but try a couple
of these at the same time.
Is there collection agency
license required?
NO. Collection agencies collect money for someone else. We
show you how to get the judgment assigned to you, thus you are actually
collecting money for yourself. Once you collect the money, you must
give the winner their share. Anyone in any state that is
owed money can collect that money. Now some cities require
certain permit or license to work from home, and you need to check with your
tax account about how to report the money you make on your income and if you
need to at all.
Is this legal where I live?
Yes, if there is a court where money can
be awarded, then you can collect it. Sometimes you have to wait
until the small claims court case is moved up to the next level court before
you can have the judgment assigned to you. Each county is
Can I collect judgments on my
own without buying any judgment system?
Yes you can. But do you know how? Just for a few dollars
with the purchase of this system I can save you a lot of time, do it
legally, safer etc...
Can I order a
printed copy of the manual?
Yes, make sure you pick that
product when you make the order.
We have downloadable only versions and also CD rom version too.
It comes in a 3 ring notebook. So you can add your own notes, forms
and take the entire notebook where ever you go including to the courthouse
to find the judgments to work on.
Do you help me find the winner
or even the loser?
We give you many free ways to find people, and also some paid ways.
Does the training manual come
with any actual letters and forms that I will need?
Yes. You
will then modify them for your own name etc...
Will I make money?
It's up to you. If
you don't do anything, no one will send you any money, but if you follow my
steps and with a little work you can.
How is my system delivered
to me?
We have downloads from the
internet, we have CD only and we have printed versions with CD.
Your hard copy (3-ring notebook) is sent by USPS mail.
The price is so low, do I get a detailed step by step system?
Yes the price is low and Yes you
get details of each step. You get some actual forms and examples
Is my course tax deductible?
I can not give legal advice, and
I do not know your tax situation.
Remember you might not only be able to deduct the price of this system but
also mileage to and from the courthouse, stamps, paper, ink, envelopes, your
pc, internet access, or even the room in your home.
If I owe a judgment can this system help me?
Yes it possibly can. Our system might be able to get your
amount lowered by 50%. We can work out a deal where I collect
the judgment from the person/business you owe money to. Then you pay
me 60%, and the rest is forgiven. Thus saving you 40%.
top Is there any software
to help me organize my judgments?
Yes, professional grade
Judgment Manager Software.
Software for Novice and Serious Judgment Recovery Professionals
Judgment Interest
Can you create a website like this one for me?
There are two steps to take:
1) Pick out what domain
name you want. Make sure its unused.
You don't
need to do anything else at this point except to see if your website name is
still available. Need help? Just ask...
2) Pay for your
website -
click here (prices and
What you get:
1) 5 page website
2) I do everything for you, you just have to pick out a
website name that isn't already being used (I can help, just ask)
3) Your own
website that looks like mine
4) Customized with your contact information.
5) Developed and
hosted for 1 year using this
template with a low
renewal price.
6) Get your own email address with your domain name too,
such as:
If you
want MORE choices for templates, please check these others out.
Choice 1)
2) Change it just like
Microsoft Word is changed, easy to learn.
Choice 3) Here is another Judgment website example,
but I can't make any changes to the name at the top to remove the words, so if can yourself then you can pick this one
Buy The Judgment
Collection Training System Now!
A Complete Judgment
Collection Training Course
Learn how to collect Judgments for money
Collect on your Judgment Judgment recovery training
Judgment recovery course Judgment recovery system
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